L’Eclectique loves the creative project “Parisian Floors ” founded by Sebastian Erras who is a German interior photographer and lives in Paris. He discovered his passion for the mosaics during a stay in Marrakech, Morocco. His project showcases photo of the mosaic floors in Paris in a special way.The project is succesful on the network Instagram and we wanted to get more on his awesome creative experience.
Could you just tell us a few words about you? Who you are what you are you doing?
I was born in 1986 in the south of Germany. After my studies I moved to Paris to learn french. Since 4 years now I work as a freelance photographer, specialized in interior photography.
- 75009-RueFaubourgPoissonniere (Fonzarelli) Photo by ParisianFloors
- 75018-PlaceMichelPetruccian Photo by ParisianFloors
Tell us about how come this idea of your Creative project and your Instagram account @parisianfloors?
The idea for the “Parisian Floors” project came after a trip to Marrakech in spring this year, where I had to photograph some interiors. On a day off, I took a tour around the city and went to the Bahia Palace, where I noticed the beautiful and colourful mosaic floors. I started taking some pictures of the floor and my feet.
Back in Paris, I started noticing the different tiles and mosaic floors all over the city. I saw them in bistros, cafés, hallways, galleries and some other public buildings. Five months ago, I began taking pictures of these fabulous tiles and included my feet to give it more of a human touch and to show that these are really floors and not some wall tiles.
Why do you love the tiles so much?
I am not sure if I would call it “love”. It’s rather an appreciation of the beauty and work that got into them.
You make the Parisian discover their city in a such different way, in one word what is the Paris’experience for you?