What if you treat yourself to a new adventure in 2018?

Dear Souls,

We’re already in December! Time flies!  In this #ThursdayFoodForSoul, I’d like to focus on getting ready to start a new business adventure. You know how creativity is important for me and how I believe in its healing power but also its power to make us learn new skills. I’m a writer, an Empowerment coach, a He(art) entrepreneur, and so it’s important for me to make a living doing what I love & what I create with my gifts & skills. Maybe you’re a creative person and you dream to start your own small business to become independent. I can only encourage you to take a leap of faith and get started. If this is the case, I want to you to know that starting a business from scratch is a great adventure that will make you expand and teach you so many lessons. First of all, I want you to believe that what seems risky to you isn’t more risky than staying stuck in your discomfort of being not fulfilled and happy of your life. All what looks “safe” to you is an illusion.  I’m not telling you that you should give up everything overnight but I want you to know that listening to your soul and intuition is surely a safe way. Take risk! Even if it’s a small risk every day. If you have a job, you could always find some time to focus on what you want to create until you get to a result. Give it a try having in mind that it might work like it might not work. But “courage”, that’s the name of the game- successful people decide.

joie+de+vivreI’m back in Paris, my home city for a while and during my stay I am going to work on creating a new business model for my magzine L’Eclectique, some courses online & on self help, creativity, art therapy, lifestyle but also love. I feel I have to write more and as a He(art) entrepreneur, I want to spread empowering & love vibrations in the world with my words.  In my book “The Most Precious Love”, I’ve written that 2017 has been the year of a new beginning for me on a Soul level but also a return to Authentic Love. I want to help you to shift in perception and your perspective, to empower you, to encourage you to live your truth and create your own Joie de Vivre!

I will document my creative process and share it with you on this blog & my Twitter & Instagram accounts ( You can find the links on the website). So join me on the networks if you’re not following me yet. My challenge is how I’m going to transform L’Eclectique, start a new business and go live close to the Sea. There’s no higher art than the art of living. It’s about time to shift your perspective & create a life you he(art) now!  What’s your project for 2018? I’d love to read what you’re up to? Leave me your comments.

 Your happiness doesn’t depend on others but YOU!

Let’s create a new inspiring page of our stories** Sarah


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Fondatrice de L'Eclectique, subjuguée par l'écriture & l'anglais.
Auteure du roman "Subjuguer me fascine"

Writer & Soul artist
Author of the mini book for Soul "The Most Precious Love" & Soul prose book "French Kiss".

My intention is to help people expand their self-awareness & confidence. Overcome their emotional pain & self-doubt so they can transform & let their light shine to make a difference with their lives. I also do Astrology consultations & Tarot readings to find and communicate insights & healing to people who feel called to work with me.

"Two roads diverged in a wood and I - I took the one less travelled by and, that has made all the difference" - Robert Frost

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