Discover Nargisse Benkabbou, founder of “My Moroccan Food”

L’Eclectique has been featuring some of the delicious recipes (tanslated in French) of the blog My Moroccan Food founded by Nargisse Benkabbou who lives in London. Nargisse shares her recipes with her beautiful photos. Her talent for food photography makes all the difference! Discover her inspiring story for all creative people.

L’Eclectique vous présente certaines recettes (traduites en français) du blog My Moroccan Food fondé par Nargise Benkabbou qui vit à Londres. Nargisse partage ses recettes avec ses magnifiques photos. Son talent pour la photographie culinaire fait toute la différence ! Découvrez son histoire inspirante pour tous les créatifs.

Lien pour lire les recettes de Nargisse Benkabbou en français

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Fondatrice de L'Eclectique, subjuguée par l'écriture & l'anglais.
Auteure du roman "Subjuguer me fascine"

Writer & Soul artist
Author of the mini book for Soul "The Most Precious Love" & Soul prose book "French Kiss".

My intention is to help people expand their self-awareness & confidence. Overcome their emotional pain & self-doubt so they can transform & let their light shine to make a difference with their lives. I also do Astrology consultations & Tarot readings to find and communicate insights & healing to people who feel called to work with me.

"Two roads diverged in a wood and I - I took the one less travelled by and, that has made all the difference" - Robert Frost

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