Hopes of freedom for Iranian Women by Marjane Saidi

“Art is the highest form of hope.” – Gerhard Richter

L’Eclectique would like to end the year 2022 with this quote of the painter Gerhard Richter and the evocative illustrations of the Iranian artist Marjane Saidi. She sometimes add a quote or some poetic lines below some of her artworks. Humbled and touched by the courage of Iranian Women who struggle for freedom. Here is an invitation to discover Marjane Saidi’s poetic stand for freedom, hope and peace.


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“You were born with potential.
You were born with goodness and trust.
You were born with ideals and dreams.
You were born with greatness.
You were born with wings.
You are not meant for crawling, so don’t.
You have wings. 
Learn to use them and fly.” – Rumi


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Women, Life, Freedom. 



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“Only in the darkness you can see the stars.” – Martin Luther King 



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“Life is the belief of the sea in the thoughts of a fish, in a bowl
Life is a clear translation of soil, in the mirror of love
Life is understanding the non understandable
Life is an open window to the world of existence
As long as this window is open, the world is with us
The Sky, the Light, God, Love, Happiness are all with us
Let us not miss the opportunity of this open window.” – Sohrab Sepehri



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“If everything around seems dark, look again, you may be the light.” – Rumi   



Discover the first feature on Marjane Saidi on L’Eclectique

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Fondatrice de L'Eclectique, subjuguée par l'écriture & l'anglais.
Auteure du roman "Subjuguer me fascine"

Writer & Soul artist
Author of the mini book for Soul "The Most Precious Love" & Soul prose book "French Kiss".

My intention is to help people expand their self-awareness & confidence. Overcome their emotional pain & self-doubt so they can transform & let their light shine to make a difference with their lives. I also do Astrology consultations & Tarot readings to find and communicate insights & healing to people who feel called to work with me.

"Two roads diverged in a wood and I - I took the one less travelled by and, that has made all the difference" - Robert Frost

Made with Love © Copyright 2023 • LEclectique Magazine
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