Stop making yourself as an option

Dear Souls,

2017, has been a great year for new beginnings. I’ve started to write this Soul to Soul blog with the intention to let people know they can overcome anything and create new possibilities. I want to thank you for your reading, your following  and all the people who send me emails with kind words. They reach my heart.  I really write from my soul hoping that it could bring you some energy and value so you can create a positive change in your life. As I always say, take what resonates & leave the rest. For the last blog post this year: I want to pick up a quote – the perspective 20 from my book “The Most Precious Love” to tell you a little story from there: “Your energy is currency. You can’t afford to let some people drain it and affect it negatively. Choose YOU and give your fucks only to what sets your Soul on fire. Now.
End of shit.”

If there is something I’ve worked on this year is to choose myself first. By choosing myself I don’t mean an act of selfishness. I mean, I’ve started to take my power, my purpose, and my life very seriously. It has been a very painful process because it asked me to let go all the destructive dynamics and some patterns and relationships making me unhappy. I shifted when I started to see that I was responsible for creating situations that make me feel stuck in a low energy. It wasn’t an easy process because it asked me to shift my perspective on the purpose of pain – which is information you need to change something – but also to change the entire way I see myself. I had to stop making myself an option, making my purpose an option, making myself an option for people. Self-love was the starting point. When you decide that you’re not an option anymore and that your happiness isn’t an option anymore, your life start to change.

You’re in your own growth process and all I can wish you for 2018 is to self-approve yourself, self-accept yourself and to choose YOU and your happiness. That’s the most important thing. Self-love is the ultimate healer, it’s a magic wand. You matter, you deserve to be happy. Whatever your experience is or how deep is your pain or how much you feel stuck, I want you to know that making yourself and your life a priority is not luxury but a necessity to be fulfilled. Embrace newness, stop waiting for tomorrow, stop waiting for the validation of your family and people. Stop wasting time. Everything changes & everything can be changed. Thoughts & patterns can be shifted and you can transform your life taking back your power! The game is literally in your head and depends on your will and how much you’re hungry to make a change happen.

I don’t believe in New Year‘ resolutions because your point of power is NOW! I do believe in the power of Intention! Its’ very important you take the time to define  your intentions. You can decide now to shift your thoughts, your mindset; you can now decide to create a new way and focus only on the good for your evolution and your Soul. I wish you a lot of happy achievements, a lot of love, and a lot of whatever makes you happy! I want you to know that you’re not alone in this process and please please be gentle and patient with yourself. My absolute wish is that you find your worth, your treasure: The Most Precious Love.

Fulfilled, is the place to be**

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Fondatrice de L'Eclectique, subjuguée par l'écriture & l'anglais.
Auteure du roman "Subjuguer me fascine"

Writer & Soul artist
Author of the mini book for Soul "The Most Precious Love" & Soul prose book "French Kiss".

My intention is to help people expand their self-awareness & confidence. Overcome their emotional pain & self-doubt so they can transform & let their light shine to make a difference with their lives. I also do Astrology consultations & Tarot readings to find and communicate insights & healing to people who feel called to work with me.

"Two roads diverged in a wood and I - I took the one less travelled by and, that has made all the difference" - Robert Frost

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