Writing is an art, and it can be more than that. For some of us, writing is a necessity like we drink water to hydrate ourselves, practice a sport to stay healthy or feed our souls reading a book or gravitating around loving people.
The way I relate to writing has surely evolved those last years. I daily write whether it is some words on paper or pages. Writing seems to be vital for me. As a writer, I experienced different types and times of writing: writing articles, writing books, journaling what is going on in my inner self or just sharing some thoughts on some social networks. Obviously, writing is an undeniable truth for me.
When I doubt about writing, I remember the fact that someday, maybe my words will reach someone who need them. Even after I am gone. If I can suddenly remember the words of someone who’s dead in a moment of doubt, it is really powerful. Their spirit is still alive…
— Sarah Anou(art) (@SarahAnouar) June 7, 2022
I released my first novel in French “Subjuguer me fscine” in 2017. The last five years, my writing was mainly focused on healing myself. I tried to start to write new books and novels many times, but I have to say that I have been struggling with focus, inspiration and the needed discipline. Thankfully, I could write and release two books “The Most Precious Love” in 2018 and “French kiss” last year but I keep the lasting impression, that I could write more.
As I am going through a Neptunian, Plutonian and Uranian times in my life (pardon my way to derive adjectives from my passion and knowledge of astrology), I need tangibility and I am therefore pushing myself to find some daily joy in the act of writing. I am commiting myself to write and publish more during the upcoming summer. And I am starting with this article to share 5 reasons, I revere the art of writing:
1. To reset my mind from too much thoughts and data
In a world of instant communication where we are exposed to too much data all day long and where everything has to go super fast, writing is a way to slow down & release my thoughts and also inner tension that might be the end result of thinking too much. The simple act of writing on a notebook can be cathartic and it allows me to reset my thinking.
2. To find emotional healing
Writing is a free way to sort out my own thoughts and emotions. Writing can be a moment of truth. With the flow of my handwriting, I would connect with some of my rawest emotions that I would maybe push down during the day… After all, emotions are energy in motion in my body; I learned that it is important to pay attention to them and process them for my emotion well-being.
3. To go deeper & be more self-aware
When I think and write, I have the power or the gift to go into deeper realms and seek resolve of some painful emotions and experiences. But I have to say that this kind of writing takes time and a high amount of resolve to understand the underlying reasons or beliefs behind some patterns of thinking and behavior. I do believe that self-awareness is paramount if we want to evolve on many levels.
4. To convey love & healing
Writing gives me the possibility to convey love and healing somehow to people. With some words, I can let someone know that they matter or that I adore them or simply that they are not alone in a challenging time. How precious is that? For me it means the world! After all, it can be very enlightening and empowering to receive some words or just a blessing some days. “God bless you” Some words can spark your faith!
Two things saved me and keep me going during my hardest days: a friendship that gives me a solid footing, and words that offer me 5 seconds of light, hope or faith.
— Sarah Anou(art) (@SarahAnouar) June 7, 2022
5. To create and connect
When I write, I heal and sometimes when I write, I art. Writing with the purpose to connect with people’s hearts is one of mine, and I know for sure that art is a way to do so. I hope that some people could find some warmth, healing, hope and inspiration in my articles and books. Maybe they can connect with a quote, a story, reframe their perspective or just feel less alone.

Fondatrice de L'Eclectique, subjuguée par l'écriture & l'anglais.
Auteure du roman "Subjuguer me fascine"
Writer & Soul artist
Author of the mini book for Soul "The Most Precious Love" & Soul prose book "French Kiss".
My intention is to help people expand their self-awareness & confidence. Overcome their emotional pain & self-doubt so they can transform & let their light shine to make a difference with their lives. I also do Astrology consultations & Tarot readings to find and communicate insights & healing to people who feel called to work with me.
"Two roads diverged in a wood and I - I took the one less travelled by and, that has made all the difference" - Robert Frost