The beauty of diversity by Fatemah Baig
The beauty of diversity by Fatemah Baig
The beauty of diversity by Fatemah Baig
The beauty of diversity by Fatemah Baig
The beauty of diversity by Fatemah Baig
The beauty of diversity by Fatemah Baig
The beauty of diversity by Fatemah Baig
The beauty of diversity by Fatemah Baig
The beauty of diversity by Fatemah Baig
The beauty of diversity by Fatemah Baig
The beauty of diversity by Fatemah Baig
The beauty of diversity by Fatemah Baig
The beauty of diversity by Fatemah Baig
The beauty of diversity by Fatemah Baig
The beauty of diversity by Fatemah Baig
The beauty of diversity by Fatemah Baig
The beauty of diversity by Fatemah Baig
The beauty of diversity by Fatemah Baig
The beauty of diversity by Fatemah Baig
The beauty of diversity by Fatemah Baig

Fatemah Baig is an artist from Pakistan who celebrates the beauty of diversity and women in her wonderful artworks. She expresses the grace of women standing in their own beauty and also their inner strength. Fatemah also adds some magic to her artworks with a cosmic aura. L’Eclectique is joyful to feature this amazing artist who wrote a text and answered to our questions to tell us more about her story.


Fatemah Baig, artist

I am Fatemah Baig. I was born on 16 February 1984 in Hunza, the Northern Areas of Pakistan. My parents moved to Rawalpindi, Punjab when I was six. I became interested in arts from an early age. Women have been my favorite subject to draw and paint since the beginning. I did my bachelor’s in Communication Design from National College of Arts, Lahore, in 2008. After my graduation, I worked at various design houses and a TV channel before I started working as a free-lance graphic designer in 2017. That’s when I started making digital art. I’m currently based in Lahore where I plan to continue working as a freelance designer.

we all belong to ONE human race and we all share the same world

I belong to a culturally diverse community of Pakistan and I grew up among people of various ethnic backgrounds. Besides many local ethnic groups, there were families from Afghanistan, Iran and India. I think it’s the most beautiful aspect of my life. Growing up in a multicultural community taught me the meaning and importance of diversity at an early age. I learned to appreciate the beauty and uniqueness of other cultures as well as my own. Besides subjective pieces, my work mainly consists of portraits of brown women. Representing women of all color in my work is my way of celebrating diversity. It’s more than my personal story. Humans tend to reject anything that does not fit into their idea of “normal” and their standard of “beauty”. When we learn about diverse cultures, we find out that despite our differences, we have so much in common. We may have different skin tones, dress differently, speak different languages and follow different religions but we all belong to ONE human race and we all share the same world.

We should accept our differences and celebrate diversity because that is the true beauty of the world that makes it so colorful. Without it, the world would be a boring place.


‘The sun sees your body, The moon sees your soul.’ Fatemah Baig


There’s a wonderful cosmic touch in your artworks; is art your way to connect to your spirituality and express it?

I feel like we’re already and always connected to our spirituality. We just don’t realise it. When we do, we look for ways to share it. Art is my medium of expression.
The cosmos in my work is also a reflection of the night skies of Hunza- my birthplace. Hunza is a mountainous region and it’s night sky is pitch black glittering with millions of stars. It’s truly a glimpse of heaven.

On your artworks, women are represented with strength standing in their own beauty. Do you see yourself also like a storyteller conveying empowering messages through your art?

Personally speaking, I think the women in my artwork represent my idea of “beauty”- Strong and serene like nature. What adds more meaning to my work is the response that I get from people, when they tell me that they feel empowered, connected or represented through it.

What’s your favorite book?

“Sophie’s World” by Jostein Gaarder and “The hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy” by Douglas Adams

What’s your favorite quote?

“In the eyeball there is a clash between creation and reflection. The two-way globes of sight are magical revolving doors where the creative spirit meets itself in the created spirit. The eye that surveys the universe is the universe’s own eye.” It’s from the book “Maya” by Jostein Gaarder.

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Fondatrice de L'Eclectique, subjuguée par l'écriture & l'anglais.
Auteure du roman "Subjuguer me fascine"

Writer & Soul artist
Author of the mini book for Soul "The Most Precious Love" & Soul prose book "French Kiss".

My intention is to help people expand their self-awareness & confidence. Overcome their emotional pain & self-doubt so they can transform & let their light shine to make a difference with their lives. I also do Astrology consultations & Tarot readings to find and communicate insights & healing to people who feel called to work with me.

"Two roads diverged in a wood and I - I took the one less travelled by and, that has made all the difference" - Robert Frost

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